Oldham Work Injury Solicitors

Have you been left with an injury after an accident at work? If you want to make a compensation claim, our Oldham work injury solicitors can assist and advise you throughout the process.

If you've had an accident at work which resulted in your injury, whether in the workplace or while carrying out work at an external site, our specialist work injury team can help you make a claim for financial compensation. Whether you've suffered lacerations from a slip, trip or fall or broken bones due to falling materials in your workplace, we can help you recoup any funds lost through time off work and medical expenses.

Among the accident cases we deal with on a regular basis include claims for:

Dangerous machinery
Dangerous workplace practices/procedures
Falling objects
Industrial disease
Insufficient training
Negligent co-workers
Slip, trip and falls
Toxic substances

If you want to file a work injury claim, we can help you gather the necessary evidence to prove your injury was caused by your employer's negligence or the negligence of one or more of your co-workers. As long as your accident took place within the last three years, we can help you make a claim. In cases of industrial disease such as asbestosis or other previously undiagnosed illnesses, this three year deadline commences from the date of a formal diagnosis.

To speak to one of our Oldham work injury solicitors, call us on the number below or complete the form on the right and we will call you back.

Mellor Hargreaves Ltd

Work Injury Solicitors


Tel: 0161 627 2469

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Oldham Solicitors

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