Blackpool Court Solicitors

Being summoned to attend court as part of a criminal case can be a daunting experience, but the right lawyer can help take a load off your mind. Our Blackpool court solicitors have a wealth of experience and can provide the legal support you need at this stressful time.


The following are a few of the allegations we have assisted with in the past;




 Child abuse accusations

 Drug crime


 Motoring offences


 Sex offences


Our Blackpool court solicitors have experience representing clients right across the legal spectrum, from burglary to manslaughter, so no case is too serious for our experts to handle.


Whatever you have been accused of, our criminal defence lawyers will tackle your case with the dedication it needs and will treat you as a client not a criminal.


As well as offering their professional advice and expert representation if you must face a court case, our team will also take the time to explain the courts process in detail so you will know what to be prepared for.


In short we will do whatever we can to help put your mind at rest through what can be a stressful experience, whether at the local Magistrate's Court, or the Crown Court.


Depending on your personal circumstances and the seriousness of the allegation, you may qualify for Legal Aid to help cover our fees. We are happy to explore this further on your behalf, if you would like us to.


To find out how our Blackpool court solicitors might be able to help, speak to our team today in complete confidence. You can reach us directly using the telephone number below, or if you prefer, enter your details into the online form to the right and one of our team will call you back.



Court Solicitors



Tel: 0345 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Blackpool Assault Solicitors
Blackpool Sex Offence Solicitors
Blackpool Court Solicitors
Blackpool Driving Solicitors
Blackpool Fraud Solicitors
Blackpool Police Interview Solicitors

Blackpool Solicitors

Our Blackpool crime solicitors are professional, experienced, and can assist with the following matters;


Assault and violent crimes, court attendance, drug offences, fraud, motoring offences, police interview, and sex offences.


Speak to our team in confidence to find out more.

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Blackpool Drug Solicitors

0345 603 0708