Norwich Legal Aid Solicitors

In recent years the government has made some major changes to the Legal Aid system, but it still exists and many people may still be able to benefit from it. Our Norwich solicitors will be able to advise whether one of these people is you.


Legal Aid is available for a range of situations, including;


 Defence in a criminal case

 Attendance at a police station

 Road traffic cases

 Civil liberties, including Prison Law & Police Law

 For those in the Armed Forces facing Court Martial interviews and hearings


Whether you are eligible for this kind of legal assistance is dependent upon your personal circumstances, and certain criteria must be met in order to qualify.


These requirements are complex, and there is no simple way to list the kinds of people who may or may not be eligible. For instance, a homeowner with savings in the bank may still be entitled to Legal Aid.


It is even possible that your motor or home insurance may include legal assistance cover. Our Norwich lawyers will be happy to look into this on your behalf if you wish.


Obviously our first task will be to ascertain whether you qualify for Legal Aid assistance in your case. If you do, that's great for everyone. However, if you don't qualify, our legal team will look into your case and provide you with an estimate for the costs of our services should you wish to use us on a privately funded basis.


As stated earlier, our Norwich Legal Aid solicitors will need to look into your circumstances in depth to establish your entitlement. To speak to us directly and get the process going, you can call our team on the number below.


Otherwise, complete the enquiry form on the right of your screen and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



Legal Aid Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Norwich Solicitors

Our Norwich crime solicitors have experience in all areas of criminal law.


Burglary, driving offences, fraud, violent crime. Whatever the accusation, our solicitors have the expertise to help.


Call us today for more information.

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0845 603 0708