Ramsgate Crime Solicitors

Being accused of a crime is serious, and it is important to seek expert legal advice as early as possible. Our Ramsgate crime solicitors have dealt with allegations from the relatively minor, right up to the most serious.


You should still contact a lawyer even if your case is at an early stage, and even if you think the accusation is not a serious one. This is because anything you say when interviewed under caution by police can impact your case, so it is always preferable to have a solicitor present when these discussions take place.


Below are just a few of the allegations we are able to assist with;


 ABH, GBH and assault


 Child abuse

 Drink driving and speeding
 Drugs offences

 Fraud, including benefit fraud and VAT fraud



 Rape and sex offences

 Youth crime and ASBOs


Our Ramsgate crime solicitors can offer their expert legal advice, ensure you are being granted the rest breaks to which you are entitled, make sure your human rights are being respected, and if necessary represent you at court.


We have a team of criminal defence experts who have assisted with accusations right across the spectrum, so whatever the allegation we can find the right expert to handle your case.


In return for the hard work and dedication of our specialists, we ask that you are completely honest with us throughout, as it is impossible to tackle your case effectively if we don't know where we stand.


If you need the help of our Ramsgate crime solicitors, contact our team today. You can speak to us in complete confidence using the number below, or enter your details into the form to the right and we will call you back.



Crime Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Ramsgate Accident Solicitors
Ramsgate Probate Solicitors
Ramsgate Conveyancing Solicitors
Ramsgate Litigation Solicitors
Ramsgate Immigration Solicitors
Ramsgate Employment Solicitors

Ramsgate Solicitors

Our Ramsgate solicitors are highly trained professionals who can assist with a range of legal matters, including;


Accidents, conveyancing, crime, divorce, employment, immigration, litigation, probate, and Wills.


Speak to our friendly team to find out more.

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Ramsgate Crime Solicitors
Ramsgate Divorce Solicitors

0845 603 0708