Birmingham Car Accident Solicitors

Have you been injured on the roads, either in a vehicle or on foot? If the negligence of another road user was to blame, our Birmingham car accident solicitors can help you secure the compensation you deserve.


Your injury may have been caused either by a careless driver, or poor road conditions. Whatever the cause, our team will fight to secure the compensation that is rightfully yours. A payout can't undo the hardship you have already endured, but it can help to make life a little easier going forward.


In the past we have acted for:





 Passengers (either in the car that was hit, or the vehicle responsible for the incident)


 Taxi drivers


There is a strict three year time limit from the date of the accident, within which to file for compensation. Therefore we always encourage potential clients to come forward as soon as possible, while the events of the incident are still fresh in your mind. Just one call to our claims team could be enough to get you on the road to compensation.


To speak to one of our Birmingham car accident solicitors, call us on the number below or complete the form on the right and we will call you back.



Car Accident Solicitors



Tel: 0345 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Jon Hilton
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Accident Solicitors

Aren't all Injury Solicitors the same ? No.


We specialise in Injury Claims such as Road Traffic Injuries, Slips & Trips, Industrial Diseases and Deafness claims... Additionally we have vibrant Employment, Family, Probate & Litigation departments.


Think Accident... Think Us !

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Birmingham Industrial Disease Solicitors
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0345 603 0798